video production and animation blog.

Welcome to this lovingly crafted page full of fabulous video production and animation stories, updates & resources. Enjoy!

One year on the Majestical crew

One year on the Majestical crew

The wonderful Rachel and Vikki have been part of the Majestical crew for one whole year! So we’re taking some time to recognise and celebrate some of the many things they’ve helped us to collectively achieve.

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My Majestical Internship
MAJESTICAL Victoria Coleman MAJESTICAL Victoria Coleman

My Majestical Internship

This summer we welcomed our first intern to the Majestical team, as part of the Cheshire and Warrington Pledge internship programme. Read Victoria’s journal of her time spent with us.

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We are Majestical

We are Majestical

The TLDR version of all of this is that our tumultuous tetralogy of creatives are here to produce the tippy top in film, animation and illustration for your business or charity.

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