Getting started with self-shot content

Self Shot videos

Self Shot Videos

Over the last few weeks I’ve been having lots of conversations with businesses who love the idea of creating their own video content but have no idea where to start.

The great news about the situation we all find ourselves in right now is that it’s absolutely the perfect opportunity for every business to start creating and sharing self-shot video content. That is, content they have filmed themselves more often than not either using their phone or even their webcam.

Whilst I appreciate you may have concerns that this approach might not result in the most professionally ‘polished’ finished product, actually right now the whole world is very accepting - almost expecting - of that level of content quality. Heck, if it’s good enough for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge then it’s good enough for the rest of us!

From self-shot customer testimonial videos, to team zoom conversations and interviews there are so many ways that businesses can be creating and sharing really insightful and valuable content with their audiences on social media and through their websites. 

Communicating effectively online with your customers just got a whole lot more important!

At Majestical, it’s my mission to help businesses do just that affordably and effectively with awesome self-shot video. I’m running a series of affordable webinars to help businesses up their self-shot corporate video content game, or for those who want a more bespoke support experience take advantage of my 60 minute one-to-one support calls for a tailored support experience.

We’ve also set up a free supportive WhatsApp group. It’s a safe space to ask questions and share advice between small business and third sectors employees who’re looking for support in creating great video content. You’re welcome to come and join in the conversation anytime.

Katie Nuttall

Chief Dreamer


Publishing your video content