The secret to creative video marketing

It's a truth universally acknowledged, that no one likes being told what to do.

This poses a bit of a challenge when you’re trying to sell to someone, because (putting it very bluntly) selling often equates to telling. 

Audiences are increasingly savvy about being sold to, especially online. We’re constantly bombarded by marketing, and despite certain measures put in place by social media platforms, we’re just as likely to see an ad as an update from a friend.

So how do you circumnavigate this challenge when you are trying to sell? How do you create marketing or brand content that sells to customers without them realising they’re being sold to?

The secret is that you don’t tell them to buy something, you show them why they should want to, through video.

Create an irresistible sense of community to attract your clients.

Almost everyone likes the idea of choosing to connect with an idea or an identity that resonates with them. 

Take the Marvel franchise, for example. Its fans don’t just love the films – many of them identify with the energy and tone of the franchise. From epic adventure and flawed but lovable characters, to very attractive hammer-wielding Norse gods, fans are proud to be part of Marvel.

With the right content, your brand can become something that people want to be part of because it reminds them of themselves – like a super exclusive club that they can’t wait to join.

You can communicate what you’re all about through video branding. A really great brand video props the door open and waits for people to poke their noses in to see what it’s all about. This ad by Boss Level Fitness is a perfect example…


The video equivalent of saying “You belong here”

Boss Level Fitness are very explicit about what they represent – in fact, they’re almost too in your face. 

But they carry it off because you can tell they’ve done their homework. They know their clients are hardcore gym bunnies who relish a challenge, so they’ve issued one. 

Boss Level Fitness know their clients won’t be able to resist the gentle insinuation that maybe this workout regime is too tough for them. They’re not just appealing to their audience, they’re almost flirting with them. 

Plus it feels authentic. In this video, Boss Level Fitness are saying: “This is who we are, and we know you’re the same. You belong with us because we understand one another.” 

I don’t know about you, but I believe them.

Appeal to your audience’s own identity and values

Almost everyone has an idea of who they are or what they believe in. You can use that to create brand or marketing content that shows you really care who that person is.

The key to this one is getting to know your audience. Draw on your audience or marketing research and drill down into who your client is. What are their priorities, fears, desires, or gripes? What do they care about?

Using video, you can show them that your brand cares about the very same things. Not only that, your brand actually represents those same values/views/priorities.

The Always #LikeaGirl campaign does this particularly well. 


You wouldn’t necessarily connect sanitary products with breaking down sexist rhetoric, but Always are showing that they care about the experiences and challenges that some of their audience might face.

They’re not telling the viewer to buy more tampons to end everyday sexism, but by associating themselves with a positive (and popular) message it boosts our impressions of the brand. 

Which – you guessed it – is a great way of selling to people.

How else can I show my clients I understand them?

I know that the examples I’ve used in this piece are from bigger brands, but there is nothing stopping small and micro businesses from employing the very same tactics to reap the results. 

You don’t need to have a product or service that sets the world alight – you just need the intention to understand who your audience is and align yourselves with them.

Creating a community and inviting an audience to see their identity and values in your brand is just the start. Check out next month’s blog post for even more insight into how you can sell to your clients by understanding who they are.


Creating with the climate in mind


Hack into their mainframe using metaphor