
What is the 'B' in B Corp? | With Kedar Karkare of Karma Wallet

▬ About Karma Wallet ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

Based in Raleigh, North Carolina (USA), Karma Wallet is a financial platform that leverages cutting-edge technology and impact data to give consumers tools to be sustainable. Through Karma Wallet, consumers can get personalised data around their carbon footprint, insights into their shopping habits, cash back, and sustainable rewards.

▬ Contents of this video ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

0:00 (Welcome)
0:23 (What is the 'B' in B Corp?)
1:08 (how is benefit measured?)
2:01 (has your experience of what the 'B' means changed since you certified?)
3:18 (new conversations happening)
3:54 (change in customer behaviours)
5:18 (thanks and where to find more information)

▬ Find Karma Wallet ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

Visit the Karma Wallet website
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Connect with Karma Wallet on LinkedIn

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Remember to subscribe to our channel @‌itsmajestical to stay up to date with this unwrapped series of B Corp spotlight videos


Who can become B Corp? | With Laura Hudspith of Hiyield


How did B Corp start? | With Ian Bradbury of Earth Animal